在R 编程中从数据帧中抽取随机样本 – sample_n() 函数 Take Random Samples from a Data Frame in R Programming - sample_n() Function R 语言中的 sample_n() 函数用于从一个数据框。 语法:sample_n(x, n) 参数:x:Data Framen:要选择的项目的大小/数量 示例1: # R program to collect sample d...
Up till now, our examples have dealt with using the sample function in R to select a random subset of the values in a vector. It is more likely you will be called upon to generate a random sample in R from an existingdata frames, randomly selecting rows from the larger set of observat...
R Copy 例1: # Create samplex<-sample(1:100,10,replace=TRUE)# Print# Output may differ each time the command is executedprint(x) R Copy 输出。 [1]47522298759491944253 R Copy 例2: # Create samplepos<-sample(1:nrow(mtcars),5,replace=TRUE)# Print sample observations#...
sample()R语言中的函数根据函数调用中提供的参数创建随机样本。它接受一个向量或一个正整数作为函数参数中的对象。 用法: sample(x, size, replace) 参数: x:表示向量或正整数或 DataFrame size:表示要采集的样本大小 replace:表示逻辑值。如果为 TRUE,样本可能有多个相同的值 要了解更多可选参数,请在控制台中使...
sample_n()R语言中的函数用于从 DataFrame 中随机抽取样本。 用法: sample_n(x, n) 参数:x:数据帧n:要选择的项目的大小/数量 范例1: # R program to collect sample data # from a data frame # Loading library library(dplyr) # Create a data frame d <- data.frame( name = c("Abhi", "...
R-programmingVariancesPran Kumar and Anjaneyulu (Int J Phys Appl Sci 3:34–40, 2016) and Pran Kumar and Anjaneyulu (Bull Math Stat Res 5:54–58, 2017) derived two sample size expressions for two ANOM-type methods developed by Rao and Harikrishna (J Appl Stat 24:279–287, 1997) and ...
Now, we can draw a random sample of our data frame with the sample R function as follows:data_s1 <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), 3), ] # Sample rows of data with Base R data_s1 # Print sampled dataTable 2: Sampled Data Frame by Rows in R Programming Language....
Microsoft Graph sample Azure Function 06/01/2025 This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK to access data in Office 365 from Azure Functions. Microsoft Graph C# Add Add to Collections Add to Plan Teams Messaging Extensions Action Preview 06/01/2025 This sample ...
Dashboard Framework Part 2: Running Shiny in AWS Fargate with CDK Something to note when using the merge function in R Better Sentiment Analysis with sentiment.ai Self-documenting plots in ggplot2 Data Challenges for R Users simplevis: new & improved! Checking the inputs of your R f...
Perform the independent t-test in R using the following functions : t_test() [rstatix package]: the result is a data frame for easy plotting using the ggpubr package. t.test() [stats package]: R base function. Interpret and report the two-sample t-test Add p-...