第一种: Literature(文献)+Reflection of one's own experience and practice(亲身经历与反思)+Implications(影响),即从文献理论出发来谈谈某一方面的学术研究,然后结合自身的经历实践,批判性地分析、得出结论并对未来进行展望; 第二种:Developa research proposal(将你RP中的内容进行扩展),尽量通过你的RP让学校认识...
Research Proposal(简称RP)也就是指研究报告或者开题报告,一般作为论文或者研究开始前的计划和纲要,比如...
In my research I intend to look at the reasons for the collapse of the Nigerian Stock Market, the effects of the global economic crisis on the NSM and also the other challenges faced by the Nigerian Stock Market as an emerging markets as stipulated by Pettis (2001). My aims and objectives...
information influence individuals‟ diet choices, I will use two business as fronts for my field research. An organic farm in Latrobe, PA will allow me to shadow some “meat producers” to learn how their methods differ from those of factory farms and also ...
国外基金申请模板Research_Proposal_Sample 热度: Quantitative Research Proposal Sample:定量研究方案示例 热度: 相关推荐 The University of Texas at Austin Department of Chemical Engineering Dissertation Proposal A Predictive Model for Aqueous Potassium Carbonate/Piperazine/Ethanolamine for Carbon Dioxide ...
CFD related research projects being conducted by XX’s group across a broad selection of topics. For example, they reported that in the air conditioning industry chilled water storage systems are one form of cool thermal storage technology that can be used to time shift the electrical load of ...
ASampleHumanitiesResearchProposal Note:Theauthorhasincludedhername,address,phonenumber,e-mailaddress, andthedateofsubmissiononthetitlepage.Sincemanythesisproposalsareoften receivedintheALMofficeatthesametime,itisimportantthatthisinformationbe onthetitlepageincasetheproposalsbecomeseparatedfromtheircoverlettersor ...
Research Proposal Template Please note that instructions (in italics) should be deleted and replaced by the appropriate entries. The word guides are a...
for using equipment in the · · laboratory. laboratory. Confirming the direction, scope, planning, and feasibility of the research project. Confirming the direction, scope, planning, and feasibility of the research project....
CONCLUSION: Dr Wilson/Research Proposal Sample/Student’s Copy/2010 Page 11 This research will highlight the macro economical and micro economical factors responsible for the downward trend in the Nigerian Stock Market and develop a link between these factors and the collapse of the market. A ...