高等学校英语应用能力考试(口试)样题PRACTICAL ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES ORAL Candidates Test Paper One National Board of Practical English Test for Colleges Warm-up Questions (1.5 minutes) Please Please read your name and your registration number to the microphone loudly when you see or hear the ...
Check my English Grade 1<--- You Start Here Check my English Grade 2 Check my English Grade 3 Check my English Grade 4 Thithutienganh provides full free English sample tests for you to practice. You will step by step familiarize yourself with the test formats and sample questions before t...
english test sample galemed group part 1 incomplete sentences 1. because of the generous new salary scheme, we find tha
English+test+(sample)Name: (in English)___ Name: (Chinese if appropriate) ___AIC English Entrance Test 2013-2014 Length: One hour .This test contains 3 sections.Section 1Language (Spend 5 minutes) /5 Section 2Reading passage 1 /8 Reading passage 2 /9 (Spend about 25 minutes on thes...
English Entrance Sample TestTaiyuanInternationalHigh SchoolProgram EnglishEntrance Exam Exam Paper (90 minutes, 80 Points) Listening (15 Minutes, 15 Questions, 1 Point/Question) PartA: You will hear a boy, Mark, and a girl, Anna, talking about winter sports. Decide if each sentence is correct...
English Language Test Questions Based on the readings in this unit, what do the readings in this unit reveal about diversity within the new nation? Use at least three specific examples from the reading selections. Your answer should be at least one complete paragraph.… ...
CambridgeEnglish,KeyEnglishTest–Listening.SampleTest. Therearefivepartstothetest.Youwillheareachpiecetwice. Wewillnowstopforamoment. PleaseaskanyquestionsnowbecauseyoumustNOTspeakduringthetest. Now,lookattheinstructionsforPartOne. Pause05" Foreachquestion,choosethecorrectanswer. ...
SampleTest3 Time Approximately35minutes(including6minutes’transfertime) INSTRUCTIONSTOCANDIDATES Donotopenthisquestionpaperuntilyouaretoldtodoso. Writeyourname,centrenumberandcandidatenumberonyouranswersheetandonthisquestionpaper. Listentotheinstructionsforeachpartofthepapercarefully.Answerallthequestions. ...
PRACTICAL ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES ORAL Candidate's Test Paper Two National Board of Practical English Test for Colleges Warm-up Questions (1.5 minutes) Please read your name and your registration number to the microphone loudly when you see or hear the prompt. [Prompt from the system] --- ...
KEY ENGLISH TEST Reading and Writing Sample Test Time 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there.Read the instructions for each part ...