We will have a safety plan for Text Buddies. It is possible that interactions between Text Buddies will be unhealthy (e.g., encouragement of risky sexual behavior). We will monitor the interactions between Buddies daily during the RCT to determine if this occurs. We also will block messages ...
We will have a safety plan for Text Buddies. It is possible that interactions between Text Buddies will be unhealthy (e.g., encouragement of risky sexual behavior). We will monitor the interactions between Buddies daily during the RCT to determine if this occurs. We also will block messages ...
WSIB & LTD An Employee who is receiving benefits under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, or under an LTD plan, is not entitled to benefits under a school board’s sick leave and short-term disability plan for the same condition unless the employee is on a graduated return to work ...
Of those who reported suicidal ideation, we identified lifetime suicide planning and attempts using the questions “[Have you] made a plan for killing yourself” and “[Have you] tried to kill yourself?” We identified recent suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts using similar questions ...
BAB modified the FFQ, contributed to the analytic plan, interpreted the data, and wrote and critically revised the manuscript. LD analysed the data and revised the manuscript. DJAJ designed the study, modified the FFQ, and critically revised the manuscript AE-S designed the study and critically...
For family-based samples, familial relatedness was taken into account by using a sandwich correction as implemented in PLINK.35 The analyses plan can be found in Supplementary Information 3. It should be noted that some groups did do the analyses in a slightly different manner based on the ...
2R.RRRanadnd959%5%CCI Ifofor rppoooorrhheeaalltthhppeerrcceeption accoorrddiinnggttooththeennuutrtirtiitoionnalasltsattautsu.sN. NWW, N, oNrmoraml al wewigehigt;hUt; WU,WU, nUdnedrwerewigehigt;htO; WO,WO, vOevrwerewigehigth; tO; BO, BO, bOesbee.seA. djuAsdtjeudstfeodr fsoe...
Optimal plan for ordered step-stress stage life testing. Statistics 2022, 56, 1–26. [CrossRef] Disclaimer/Publisher's Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s...
Chapter 3 Rooms Division 141 Trends in Hotel and Rooms Division Operations Courtesy of Dr. Greg Dunn, Senior Lecturer & Managing Director, U niversity of Florida, Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute. • Diversity of work force. All the pundits are projecting a substantial increase...
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