docker kubernetes microservices cqrs rabbitmq docker-compose ddd web-api event-sourcing sample-app netcore event-driven microservices-architecture asp-net-core-mvc service-mesh linkerd message-broker istio eventual-consistency Updated Oct 17, 2024 JavaScript heroku / node-js-getting-started Star 1.1...
Launch a workspace from the devfile.yaml file in this repo, eg., from Open the Workspace tab (click the cube icon on the far right side) and look for commands (gea...
Docker Desktop Node.js- at least version 20.9.0 OptionalVisual Studio 2022 17.10 Running the app If using Visual Studio, open the solution fileAspireWithNode.slnand launch/debug theAspireWithNode.AppHostproject. If using the .NET CLI, rundotnet runfrom theAspireWithNode.AppHostdirectory....
However, there is one problem with having the Docker build context at this level. During a build, the Docker client sends all of the files in the Docker context to the Docker server in a tar file. With the Docker context at thenodefolder level, all the co...
CapRover is built on top of Docker container. Therefore, pretty much all applications can be deployed on CapRover. As mentioned incaptain-definitiondocs, there is a few simple versions ofcaptain-definitionfor most popular web languages such as NodeJS, PHP, python and ruby. ...
docker compose up -d Now use the/api/.env.templatefile to create an.envfile and add the correct information needed to access your SQL Server. Create a.envfile by copying.env.templateinside the./apifolder, and then add the connection string to connect to the local SQL Server, for example...
pipeline { agent { node { label 'maven' // 定义流水线的代理为 maven,kubesphere内置了四个默认代理,在目前版本当中我们内置了 4 种类型的 podTemplate,base、 // nodejs、maven、go,并且在 Pod 中提供了隔离的 Docker 环境。具体参见官方文档 } } parameters { string(name:'TAG_NAME',defaultValue: '...
If Node.js is not part of the picture for your environment then go with the containerized approach: -Prepare the image Option A: pull the image from the Docker Hub docker pull dukedhx/forge-proxy-cache Option B: build the image from Dockerfile, you may customize the image by editing the...
超级账本搭建流程(全) 参考: [链接][链接] 环境准备 安装必要程序 此安装流程仅介绍MAC系统,其他系统略有差别,请自行查看参考链接超级账本教程。 1.安装...