1、下载示例数据 northwind-mongo-master.zip http://www.askmaclean.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/northwind-mongo-master.zip 2、解压 unzip northwind-mongo-master.zip 3、切换到对应目录 cdnorthwind-mongo-master 运行./mongo-import.sh 会将对应的数据加载到MongoDB northwind DB中 ac:northwind-mongo-mas...
then have to wait until they wrote their application or imported data into it before they were able to learn and explore the platform. Atlas's Sample Data was the solution. It removes this roadblock and quickly allows you to get a feel for how MongoDB works with different types of data....
MongoDB Atlas / Atlas CLI / Commands / clusters Manage sample data for your cluster. The sampleData command provides access to sample data to be loaded onto your cluster. Options Name Type Required Description -h, --help false help for sampleData ...
A0190_MongoDB 更新A6010 之前的数据. Jul 26, 2016 A0200_XML Add W1303_LongTimeProc Sep 6, 2022 A0205_XmlSerializer 更新A6010 之前的数据. Jul 26, 2016 A0205_XmlToSql Move From Google Nov 12, 2013 A0210_DataSetXML Move From Google Nov 12, 2013 ...
SpringBoot 2.3.x 整合其他框架:MyBatis、Dubbo、Swagger2、SpringSecurity、RabbitMQ、RocketMQ、Kafka、Redis、MongoDB、Hazelcast、Apollo等如果感觉有帮助,帮忙点个star!Maven模块描述端口模块名称描述 10100 sample-actuator 整合Actuator、Micrometer、Prometheus 10082 sample-amqp 整合RabbitMQ --- sample-api 服务接口...
spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/admin User.java packageorg.ouyushan.spring.boot.data.mongodb.entity;importorg.springframework.data.annotation.Id;importorg.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document;importjava.util.Date;/*** @Description: ...
This is a sample application created with JHipster, with the MongoDB option - jhipster-sample-app-mongodb/pom.xml at master · jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-mongodb
I understand you are getting error AADSTS500011 You get this error message when the requested ...
database string 数据库名。 dbgateway originHost string 执行SQL 的客户端 IP 地址。 172.16.1*** tables array 表数据。 tables string 表名。 meter_*** instanceId string 实例ID。 rm-2ze8g2am97624*** errorCode string 错误码。 1062 user string 数据库用户名。 dbgat*** sql string SQL 语句...
spring-mongo-sample是一个使用spring-data-mongo来操作mongodb的项目 用来简单的演示如何集成spring-data-mongo到项目中来 以及spring-data-mongo的基本使用 #附录 ###mongodb命令 成功启动MongoDB后,再打开一个命令行窗口输入mongo,就可以进行数据库的一些操作。