Analogous Estimating or historical costing is the use of previous data. If an organization has had similar projects before, it becomes easier to draw parallels between project deliverables and their associated costs. Statistical Modeling or parametric estimating techniques is used to create highly accurat...
Costing Module ONLINE LIMS has a financial management statistics module which provides senior laboratory personnel with the ability to create customized monthly financial and workload statistics. This information can also be exported to EXCEL to allow the user to custom chart this data. ...
• Expertise in the usage of Microsoft Office tools namely Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint • Vast Experience in Costing & Pricing, Management Accounting, Project Management • Have also got certification and expertise in SAP FI/CO Professional Certification: • SAP Certified, Indi... 受Imunify360 保護 我們從您的IP注意到不尋常的活動,並已封鎖對此網站的存取 請確認您不是機器人