Please e-mail Scarlett if your guild, shop, event or conference would be interested in booking Scarlett for a virtual or hybrid lecture or workshop, or for in person. Scarlett is very flexible about the topics of her lectures, especially for a virtual or hybrid presentation. If your group ...
Visualized a project review with impressive presentation and multi-media animation(动画),which was highly appreciated by department manager. June 2005July 2005, GF Fund Management Co., LTD. Campus Intern ??? Analyzed investment principles and mischoose of related financial derived products Formulated...
Presentation also discusses some contradictions and non-compliances to practice in existing ISO 14644-1:1999 standard and DIS/ISO 14644-1 draft.Alexander FedotovGrigory Fedotov59th Annual technical meeting of the institute of environmental sciences and technology: Connect, Learn, Grow, Recharge: ESTECH...
. It should be approximately 250 words. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. In this sample article we provide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper toApplied Physic Letters, a journal published ...
Xenophobic and right-wing attitudes have become a major issue in Western societies. The present study investigated how such attitudes and stereotypes influence media perception in terms of identifying manipulated news articles. In a fake news paradigm, N
Figure 2 shows the distribution of life satisfaction by age and gender, with locally weighted smoothing (LOESS) applied to the scatterplots to improve data presentation. Individuals over the age of 80 have been excluded from the graph due to the relatively small sample size. The graph shows ...
Maris, "Understanding Interpersonal Conflicts that Are Difficult to Resolve: A Review of Literature and Presentation of an Integrated Model," in Christian S. Beck (Ed.), Communication Yearbook, Vol. 31 (Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007), pp. 1 18–1 71. 16. Suzanne Mc...
Before the formal experiment started, each participant received a paper introducing the task, procedure, and pre-experiment announcements. They were explicitly told before imagining that they were browsing an online shopping platform and planning to purchase products. Stimulus presentation and data ...