Sample preparation approaches dramatically influence data quality and, ultimately, interpretation and conclusions from metabolomic experiments. However, standardized protocols for highly reproducible metabolic datasets are limited, especially for the fungal cell factory Aspergillus niger. Here, an improved liquid...
Based on the loadings from the oblique promax rotation, the conclusions about the direct influence of the factors on the variables are essentially the same as before. Overall, the comparison between the loadings from the orthogonal and the oblique rotation shows that the relationships between the fa...
concentrations from a couple dozen analytes multiplied by a few hundred samples), it becomes humanly impossible to interpret data and draw useful conclusions. Thus, advanced statistical tools and machine learning techniques may become essential to identifying patterns in the data and reaching reliable ...
While experiments are highly advantageous for creating internally valid conclusions, they are often criticized for being low on external validity. Critical to questions of external validity are the types of subjects who participate in a given experiment, with scholars typically arguing that samples of ...
The present results support the reasoning that high power compared to low power provides the capacity to assist employees and that cooperative, but not competitive, goals facilitate the motivation of managers to use their power to support employees and to develop managerial conclusions that employees ...
Conclusions The composition an unknown polymer sample can be easily characterized by means of combined TGA/DSC-FTIR measurements. Table 1 summarizes the results obtained from the TGA measurement and the IR spectra for the particular sample investigated. The polymers in the unknown material were identif...
Conclusions This study has demonstrated the optimisation of the digestion treatment with Fenton reagent by performing multiple digestion cycles to target MPs in the sub-hundred-micron size range in wastewater and sludge samples. In order to validate the method, recovery experiments were conducted in tr...
Conclusions As experiments increase in size and complexity, the task of removing unwanted cells becomes correspondingly more challenging, especially if users would like to preserve rarer populations. SampleQC seeks to solve this problem, by first identifying groups of samples with similar QC distributions...
But the values of descriptive statistics derived from sample data sets must be tempered with some measurement of how well they reflect the properties of the entire population; without knowing how representative of the population a sample is, conclusions drawn from analyses conducted on sample data ...
It could certainly be argued that as many valid conclusions can be drawn from a well- constructed study using non-probability methods, compared with a probability survey to which only 10% of the sample responded. Researchers would need to be confident that those 10% were truly representative of...