The aims of the present study were to examine cognitive functioning among depressed young adults identified from the general population and to determine whether cognitive deficits vary as a function of different disorder characteristics, such as severity and age at onset. Performance in verbal and ...
nurturing relationships and environments are important factors for optimal development.9,10On the other hand, children with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are at risk for observable changes in brain anatomy,11gene expression,12,13and delays in social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development...
Successful aging has been conceptualized as a descriptive measure for the quality of aging [3], aiming to reduce morbidity, optimize cognitive and functional capacities, and improve social engagement [4]. In particular, healthy nutrition is one of the core lifestyle approaches needed in public ...
Abstract. Early childhood marks a pivotal period in the maturation of executive function, the cognitive ability to consciously regulate actions and thought
Third-wave cognitive and behavioral therapies and the emergence of a process‐based approach to intervention in psychiatry. World Psychiatry. 2021;20(3):363–75. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar González-Blanch C, Hernández-de-Hita F, Muñoz-Navarro R, Ruíz-Rodríguez P, ...
To our knowledge this is the first investigation of sex differences in those with and without ADHD in a population-based sample of adults, and we found that the pattern of sex differences for the behavioural ADHD symptoms in adults with and without ADHD is also reflected in the more internal...
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) can compromise cognition in older adults, but differences in sampling, WMH measurements, and cognitive assessments contribute to discrepant findings across studies. We examined linear and nonlinear effects of WMH volumes on cognition in 253 reasonably healthy adu...
ADHD subtype, gender, fatigue, age, and sleep (sleep onset, unrefreshing sleep, sleep maintenance) were significant variables affecting neuropsychological test performance (sequencing, cognitive flexibility, slow- and fast-paced input, divided attention, whole brain functioning). Findings suggest that ...
The ABCs of depression: integrating affective, biological, and cognitive models to explain the emergence of the gender difference in depression. Psychol Rev. 2008;115(2):291–313. Article PubMed Google Scholar Hankin BL, Abramson LY, Moffitt TE...
Occupational Therapists are proficient in helping infants, children, adults, and elders develop work skills for performing their everyday activities independently in the environment they live. They assess client’s physical, cognitive, communication, and interaction skills before developing and planning trea...