20.Arsenault 16[Kimberly Arsenault, 6/30/16, “Coral Bleaching: What is it and Why Does it Matter?” Emergency and Disaster Management (EDM) Digest, http://edmdigest.com/news/coral-bleaching-what-is-it-and-why-does-it-matter/] Sample Case CON Our framework is cost benefit analysis. Con...
In our case, we need to specify a custom subdomain for our Azure OpenAI Service as our chatbot application will use an Microsoft Entra ID security token to access it. By default, the main.tf module sets the value of the custom_subdomain_name parameter to the lowercase name of the Azure...
Asymmetric Key Encryption and random nonce generation is handled through the Security framework API set, whereas, Symmetric Key Encryption and Digest generation is handled by the CommonCrypto API set. The CryptoExercise sample brings both of these APIs together through a network service, discoverable ...
In this case, it just subscribes to the events we are interested in (only one: NewPosition) and updates the shared state:public class GPSController : Controller { [EventSubscription("event://GPSQuickStart/NewPosition")] private void OnNewPosition(object sender, GPSEventArgs e) { lock( sync...
Testcase for exec script """ nc = NetconfClient(debug=True) nc.connect() #Netconf or processing operations nc.close() if __name__ == '__main__': test_exec() Process Script Use the following sample code snippet to trigger a process script and p...
If you run the GET command again with/quotesat the end (curl, it will return information in XML format that show that thequotescontainer contains 4 items. For each item, the following information is displayed: digest, date last modified, MIME...
(src)); return String.format("%032x", new BigInteger(1, md5.digest())); } private static String aAuth(String uri, String key, long exp) { String pattern = "^(rtmp://)?([^/?]+)(/[^?]*)?(\\\?.*)?$"; Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern); Matcher m = r.matcher(uri)...
Property names must follow camelCase format. setupCfg: #Upgrade #upgrade: false basePort: 50000 #License - specify values as true/false licenseAcceptEnableSfg: false licenseAcceptEnableEbics: false licenseAcceptEnableFinancialServices: false licenseAcceptEnableFileOperation: false # Name of system pass...
{}".format(timestamp, DD_BOT_SECRET) string_to_sign_enc = string_to_sign.encode("utf-8") hmac_code = hmac.new( secret_enc, string_to_sign_enc, digestmod=hashlib.sha256 ).digest() sign = urllib.parse.quote_plus(base64.b64encode(hmac_code)) url = f'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/...
In our case, we need to specify a custom subdomain for our Azure OpenAI Service as our chatbot applications will use an Azure AD security token to access it. By default, the terraform/infra/modules/openai/main.tf module sets the value of the custom_subdomain_name parameter to the ...