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Installation Loop Mobile Office for Mac Office Suite Issues OneNote Outlook Performance Planner PowerPoint Project Publisher Settings Third party add-ins Visio Word Office Developer Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail ...
9.3.1 The ExJava Wrapper API The JavaDocs documentation for the Java API is provided in the /sdk/samplecode/ExJava/docs directory. Conversion options are set using the ExportProperties. Additionally, the appropriate .cfg file for the ExportTest sample application found in the Examples/ExportTest...
previous Python API Documentation next Advanced Topics On this page Getting Started with C++ Samples Getting Started with Python Samples Cross Compiling Samples Building Samples using Static Libraries Machine Comprehension Character Recognition Image Classification Object Detection Other Features ...
Documentation Examples API Reference CookbookManaged NGINX Ingress Controller for Azure Kubernetes ServiceOne way to route HTTP and secure HTTPS traffic to applications in an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster is by using the Kubernetes Ingress object. The application routing add-on for AKS enables...
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todo app api 的连接间添加了一个数据映射程序步骤。 流程 在fuse online 中,单击右上角的 publish 。 在 name 字段中输入集成的名称。例如, amq 到 rest api sample integration 。 (可选)在 description 字段中输入有助于了解此集成的信息。 在右上角,单击 save 并发布 。 fuse online 开始...
5.1 分词能力(getWordSegment) 分词API的主要功能是将一个汉字序列切分成一个一个单独的词,可自定义分词的粒度。 场景:1.搜索引擎开发场景,搜索结果的相关度排序;2.用户选择用户选择文本的场景,例如双击选择分本时,按照分词进行选中等。 5.1.1 核心类
openreq-live. Overview Source code API Documentation Sample 1 SaveCopy + Get the Official Word Add-in Open in AppSource Add to Word Now openreq-live. OpenReq Live is developed following a “minimal viable product” approach where the feedback of the OpenReq partn...