而且要注意使用规范的学术格式(美国一般遵循APA格式,最新的是第七版)。我们中国学生最容易忽视的点就是参考文献的引用。 APA格式具体可参考Purdue Writing Lab的APA Guidelines:https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_a...
D. Complete Sample APA Paper We’ve included a full student paper below to give you an idea of what an essay inAPA formatlooks like, complete with a title page, paper, reference list, and index. If you plan to include anAPA abstractin your paper, see the Professional Paper for an examp...
Using heading styles in Word or Google Docs Instead of formatting every heading individually, you can use the “Styles” feature in Word or Google Docs. This allows you to save the styling and apply it with just a click. The first time you use APA Style, you need to update the default ...
For best results, compose the Abstract last.Keep in mind: the closer to 150 words, the better. Short abstracts are preferred. Keywords: APA format, sample paperAuthor NoteMeghan A. SmithClaremont GraduateDivision of SocialBehavioral Sciences
摘要: An is a brief summary of your paper. According to the APA manual, your should be a "single paragraph in block format" and not "exceed 120 words." Your instructor can let you know if an is a requirement for your assignment....
How do you format a research proposal on motivation if you are unwilling to buy research paper online?Provide a structured outline of your future work, including the following elements:A title page, with your research paper’s heading, your name, and your affiliations An abstract, summarizing ...
Sample APA Paper to Learn APA Style 6th Edition Meghan Smith Claremont Graduate University The abstract is always on page two. It should be a concise and objective summary withoutevaluations or opinions. The abstract is the juicy advertisement th... A Note,MA Smith,Claremont Graduate,... 被引...
Abstract Background Emotional problems can be evaluated using categorical approaches to guide treatment choices focused on targeting specific disorders, or dimensional approaches to reduce symptom severity. Moreover, recent evidence points out the need to intervene in patients’ quality of life (QoL), ...
Abstract Vietnam has high rates of antibiotic use and resistance. Measuring resistance in commensal bacteria could provide an objective indicator for evaluating the impact of interventions to reduce antibiotic use and resistance. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and bacterial ...
Format •••••••AtitlesectionAsummaryoftheprojectAnintroductionsectionAtheoryormethodologysectionAresultssectionAconclusionsectionAfurtherworksection CommonRules •KeeptheMaterialsSimple ◆◆ Useonlypertinentinformationtoconveyyourmessage.Presentonlythosethatillustratethemainfindingsoftheresearch.•...