(4,690,175 billable), 3,021,482School Breakfast Programmeals (1,510,741 billable), 75, 240 Afterschool Snack meals (25,080 billable) and 744,624 Meal Equivalents (744, 624 billable).In the eventthatexisting conditionsat District change (including by way of example,student population, ...
In a classic study 3, 21 Wharton School MBA students and their spouses were asked to rank 15 breakfast items in order of preference with 1="most preferred" to 15="least preferred." Their preferences were recorded under six different scenarios, from "Overall preference" to "Snack, with bevera...
To compare mean and variations of dependent variables across tertiles of meal-specific dietary patterns, we used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) analysis in crude model and after controlling for confounders including age, sex, physical activity, smoking, marital status, income, supplementation...
Total meals defined as district specified serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snack, or other meal type. Districts’ DCAs with meal site addresses covered a median of 72.2 square miles and had a 0.11 median proportion of children living in households < 185%FPL out of the total populatio...
approximately 80% of children ate the government provided school lunch usually supplemented with a sugar-sweetened beverage purchased on the school compound or packed from home. Some snack items were available in the environs of the school but were usually purchased prior to or after school hours....
Named after Dogfish Head Road in Maine, the East Coast brewer cornered the market when it became the first to add hops throughout the entire fermenting process. To perfect the 90-minute boil by adding just the right amount of hops throughout, the brew crew used a vibrating tabletop football...
The objective of this study was to analyze the association between ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption and mental health symptoms in a nationally representative sample of the Brazilian adolescent student population. Cross-sectional analyses with data from the National School-Based Health Survey (PeNSE...
These last ones have a symbolic configuration and concern the different risk domains, such as TeleMonster, MonsterSnack, EvilTube, Spruzzoveleni. The last introduced Dangerbot in the 2021 edition was devoted to the emergency of COVID-19, aiming to improve preventive behaviors during the pandemic....