We show that the dynamic speckle index value changes its maximum excursion with the variation of sampling rate, affected directly by the camera's time integration (time of exposure). We highlight the importance of knowing the frequency band of the analyzed phenomenon and its signal to choose ...
the measurement of perceived qua1ity of various audio samp1ing rate and frame 1oss rateIn this paper, the influence of Audio Sampling Rate (ASR) and Frame Loss Rate (FLR) on perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) was studied. The result indicated that users are very sensitive to the ...
Rate-dependent behavior of Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu solder over strain rates of 10amp;#x2212;6 to 102 samp;#x2212;1Nie, XBhate, DChan, DChen, WSubbarayan, GDutta, IRate-dependent behavior of Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu solder over strain rates of 10-6 to 102 s-1. X Nie,D Bhate,D Chan,W Che...
The Visual Acuity Outcome, Rate of Rejection and Mean Intraocular Pressure Contrasted between PKP and DALK Techniques in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Corneal GraftingShukur, Zaid Yousif HameedInternational Medical Journal
Strong convergence and its rate of modified partitioning estimation for nonparametric regression function under deperdence samp les[ J ]. Northest M ath J, 2004, 20 (3) : 3492354.Ling N X.Strong convergence and its rate of modified partitioning estimation for nonparameters regression function ...
凌能祥.Strong Convergence and Its Rate of Modified Partitioning Estimation for Nonparametric Regression Function under Dependence Samples[J]. Northeastern Mathematical Journal.2004(03)Ling Nengxiang. Strong convergence and its rate of modified partitioning estimation for nonparametric regression function under ...
Estimate Sampling Rate from Sampling Horizon Data (Solow and Smith, 1997)sampOcc
凌能祥.Strong Convergence and Its Rate of Modified Partitioning Estimation for Nonparametric Regression Function under Dependence Samples[J]. Northeastern Mathematical Journal.2004(03)Ling Nengxiang. Strong convergence and its rate of modified partitioning estimation for nonparametric regression function under ...
87 - P081 - Disconnection between complex I enzymatic activity and respiration rate in muscle mitochondria of SAMP8 mice, a model of aging-associated oxidative stress - EM|consulteV. BarquissauJ. RieussetC. Feillet-CoudrayP. DenisV. Patrac...
Module 11 Movement and change Lesson 1 Speed What is speed? Speed is the rate at which an object moves. To measNewton kg m/s