So könnt ihr euch auf echte, erholsame Momente konzentrieren – sei es ein Spaziergang, ein gutes Buch oder ein persönliches Ritual, das dir Freude bringt. Hier sind noch einige kleine Rituale, die mit Wellness und Selbstführsorge, allerdings ohne Technik, in Verbindung stehen: E...
The ritual marriage between the king and the sovereignty goddess took place at Samain, and at Tara, among other places, as the feis Temra. The word feis, the verbal noun of the verb foaid“to sleep,” has strong sexual connotations. We also have some intriguing references to Samain in ...
Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames. 展开 关键词: accounting for inventories finished goods inventory IAS 2 merchandise inventory raw...
by having them be present during a ritual. There could be bones, possibly idols of deities related to this Sabbat, candles, a censer and Samhain incense, maybe flowers picked from around your neighborhood. Along the side
I'm a winter baby and I love the cold weather. I love the darker days. I love the longer nights snuggling under blankets and nesting in. This time of the year calls me deeper into my physicality. There is a cold that settles deep within my bones and
Im Übergang von Samhain bis Halloween gab es viele Rituale, die auf Achtsamkeit, Schutz und innere Erneuerung abzielten. Einige dieser traditionellen Praktiken lassen sich auch gut in moderne Selfcare-Routinen integrieren. Rituale mit “Samsung Heath” und “Digitales Wohlbefinden” ...