SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR函数是PowerBI中的一个时间函数,用于比较当前时间段与去年同一时间段的数据。然而,如果SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR函数不工作,可能有以下几个原因和解决方法: 数据模型问题:首先,确保数据模型中包含了正确的日期字段,并且这些字段已经正确地设置为日期类型。如果日期字段不正确,SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR函数可能无法正常...
DATESBETWEEN 包含首尾日期,DATESINPERIOD 的首尾日期服从区间设定,向前统计(第三参数小于 0)时,不包含起始端日期;向后统计(第三参数大于 0)时,不包含结束端日期 DATESINPERIOD('date'[Date],DATE(2018,2,1),1,DAY) // 返回 2018 年 2 月 1 日 DATESINPERIOD('date'[Date],DATE(2018,2,1),1,MONTH)...
DATEADD ( <Dates>, -1, YEAR ) SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR未针对 DirectQuery 进行优化,在计算列和行级别安全性公式中完全不受支持。但可以在度量值和查询公式中使用,只不过无法保证性能。 示例 下面的示例公式创建一个度量值,计算经销商上一年的销售额: =CALCULATE(SUM(ResellerSales[SalesAmount]), SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(...
weekly data comparison from same period last year 03-08-2021 12:42 PM Hi I am new to power bi, and I am meaning to compare weekly data from of 2019 and 2020 for the same period. I want to have something like this table into power bi, difference of total fund sale...
27.004.同比推荐SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR 1021 播放 时尚界公主 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 选集(93) 自动播放 [1] 【公告】建议先学Access基本篇... 2685播放 02:26 [2] 软硬件要求及相关课程推荐 856播放 08:42 [3] 00.界面认识与矩阵表操作(上) 2576播放 ...
Hi I have the measure below and want to then have the same measure but for the same period last year. QTY YTD Ex Stud = CALCULATE(TOTALYTD([QTY Total],'Rolling Livestock Data'[Create dte]),'Rolling Livestock Data'[Sale Parameter]<>"ST-PVT") I have tried the following but it doesn...
Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools When you want to show the same data in a matrix and a chart in a paginated report, you must set properties on both data regions to specify the same dataset, and also the same expressions for filters, groups, sorts, and da...
Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools You can add multiple data regions to a paginated report to provide different views of data from the same report dataset. For example, you might want to display data in a table and also display it visually in a chart. To do...
Hi, Power BI Chart is display same value for all dates. Values should be Sum of date display in table. [ ](
但在实现应用里,光有这些是不够的 我们更多是需要累计、环比、同比等更具体的场景信息 这些关键业务数据从哪来? 当然,我们依然可以通过嵌套组合calculate/sum/average等基本函数来实现,但每次都要输入冗长繁琐的公式,必然效率低下 为了避免出现这种情况,时间智能函数应运而生...