2.在桌面新建一个目录(windows上交文件夹),将文目录设置为共享: 如果想要赋予文件更多的权限,可以将Permissions中的选项做更多的修改: 3.确认修改好后,点击'create share',当按钮变成灰色,代表修改成功 当然,如果你是第一次创建共享,会有下边的提示,直接点' Add the permissions automatically'就可以了。 4.可以为...
# Use the samba_export_all_ro or samba_export_all_rw Boolean to share system # directories.To share such directories and only allow read-only permissions:对共享目录的权限的bool设置,只读或读写 # setsebool-Psamba_export_all_ro on # To share such directories and allow read and write permissio...
'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.此时只需要将该用户加入sambashare用户组,方法如下...
一、修改samba配置文件 [root@linux /]# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf 在[global]下修改: workgroup = WORKGROUP(改成同一工作组名) security=user (安全及别:需要输入用户名密码,访问) samba四种安全等级: share:用户不需要账户及密码即可登录samba服务器 user:由提供服务的samba服务器负责检查账户及密码 server:检查...
ubuntu beyong使用samba进行对比,如果你有一个由Windows和Linux机器组成的网络,你想在它们之间实现共享。你可以通过使用一个有用的工具Samba来实现这一目标。它是一个开源工具,允许你访问共享资源,包括文件、打印机等。这是将Ubuntu和Windows计算机联网的最常见方式之一
I have a Samba server with ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER in the Active Directory. My main aim is to make a different permissions on share sub-folders on every single share. It can be done using Linux acl or Windows permissions GUI, but I prefer a Windows GUI. In this case users can do this by...
sudo mkdir /home/share 2. Give the folder the proper permissions We now must change the permissions for the folder, such that anyone can access it with the command: Show more 3. Open the Samba configuration file Next, we need to open the Samba configuration file with the following comm...
Share Path:共享目录的路径,填写 JuiceFS 的挂载点或子目录。如果指定的目录不存在,可以点击下方的 Create now 进行创建。点击下方的 Edit Permissions 可以调整目录的权限。 Clients:用来设置 NFS 共享允许的客户端,Host 设置允许的主机地址,Settings 设置挂载参数。 Tips:如前述,JuiceFS 是外挂的 FUSE 文件系统,使用...
因为NFS 是一种面向 Unix/Linux 系统的共享协议,不涉及对 xattr 扩展属性的要求,如果仅用于 NFS 共享,挂载时无需使用 --enable-xattr 选项,挂载点和子目录可直接用作 NFS 共享。 比如,将 JuiceFS 中的 media 目录通过 NFS 共享,在配置文件/etc/exports中添加: ...
My ultimate aim is to use a samba share with Time Machine. I have built an up to date version of samba (4.9.2) which has the necessary support for Time Machine and installed it on my linux system, and I have it sharing a volume which I can mount from my Mac. A good start ;) ...