文件和打印机的一个共享程序,Samba=smb(由于smb被windows使用,所以命名为Samba)=server Manage Block! Samba最先在Linux和Windows之间架起了一座桥梁,正是由于Samba的出现,我们可以在Linux和Windows之间实现文件共享的相互通讯,我们可以将其架设成一个功能非常强大的文件服务器,也可以将其架设成打印服务器提供本地也远程...
Once you’ve got local user accounts all set up, open up the Samba configuration tool from System > Administration > Samba and entering your root password when prompted. 设置完本地用户帐户后,从系统>管理> Samba打开Samba配置工具,并在出现提示时输入您的root密码。 Go to Preferences > Samba Users....
Now we will try for example to share the directory /home/pirat9/share folder to do that, First open GUI samba server configuration tool by going toSystem–> Administration–>Samba Add the folder you want to share and setup the permissions access. Now right click on the folder directory you...
Now we will try for example to share the directory /home/pirat9/share folder to do that, First open GUI samba server configuration tool by going toSystem–> Administration–>Samba Add the folder you want to share and setup the permissions access. Now right click on the folder directory you...
Samba Web Administration tool (SWAT) is a GUI base configuration tool for Samba Serveravailable from RHEL 6 In Linux SAMBA provides the following services: User Authentication and authorization File and printer sharing Name resolution Browsing
注意:尽管 smb.conf 是设计为通过文本编辑器编辑的,Samba 团队开发出了一个基于 web 的工具,名为 Samba Web Administration Tool。另外也有 webmin 等其他工具。重要的是要记住,在运行这些工具之前或之后,您仍然可以编辑 smb.conf,因为您在操作一个文本文件。
administration of Windows print drivers.#You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your#admin users are members of.#Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions#to the drivers directory for these users to have write rights in it; write list = root...
browseable=yesreadonly=yesguest ok=no# Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.# You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your# admin users are members of.# Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions# to the drivers direc...
Samba lets you mimic file and print services on a Linux system. You might not have a full appreciation of what such a system can do for you, but in short, using Samba lets you create a Linux-based file and print server, potentially saving you money and allowing for easier administration...
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