Home: School Education in India, Samagra Shiksha. Presents UDISE+ data, its analysis & implication for planning & NEP 2020. Free & compulsory education to all children up to the age of fourteen is a constitutional commitment in India. The Parliament of India had passed the Right to Education...
Samagra Shiksha, Tripura PSSCIVE, Bhopal NSDC, New Delhi Education (School) Department, Tripura Knowledge Sharing Portal Circular and Notification Guidelines for implementation of 2nd sector in 55 Schools of Tripura Implementation of 2nd sector under Vocational Education in 55 Schools ...
These directions were given by him while chairing a meeting to discuss the draft annual works plan and budget for the fiscal 2020-21 under flagship Samagra Shiksha scheme. The Principal Secretary emphasized on putting special focus on increasing the female literacy using resources un...