Brad Pitt, Casey Affleck, Sam Shepard 50 votes Jesse James (Brad Pitt), the most feared outlaw of the American West, lives his final days in this slow-burning drama. Robert Ford (Casey Affleck), a fawning admirer turned resentful associate, yearns for his own taste of fame. The film is...
50 years, Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark have fit in a weird way. Shepard is the acclaimed actor and playwright. Dark works the deli counter at a supermarket in Mexico. And yet, somehow, they’ve been friends most of their lives, and the engaging documentary “Shepard & Dark” shows how....
M. Kit Carson, who wrote the adaptation from Shepard's story, Shepard's later film work shows increasing control on his part. Fool for Love is his first and, so far, only film adaptation of one of his own plays. Director Robert Altman and Shepard open up the story visually and make...
2006. That night, Lucius Shepard and Catherynne Valente were reading. This may seem awfully specific, but I have proof. Ellen Datlow captured this moment in a photo that resides on her Flickr stream. For a Halloween party I’d bleached my hair and dressed up as Roy Batty from Blade...
Rise .: supernatural added by rakshasa @wtagirlforever video rise supernatural fanvid tribute sam winchester dean winchester jared padalecki jensen ackles supernatural | Ghost added by rakshasa @Nova Shepard video supernatural ghost fanvid tribute dean winchester sam winchester jensen ackles jared padalecki...
Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton. From its exterior design - with postmodern architecture - to the ride’s hypnotic lighting displays, Space Mountain’s aesthetic captured the ‘70s' retro-futuristic vision of space travel. The ride has since gone on to become one of the most popular attractions ...
Rockwell was an occasional stage actor. At the Williamstown Theatre Festival inMassachusetts, he appeared inLanford Wilson’sThe Hot l Baltimore(2000), asStanley KowalskiinA Streetcar Named Desire(2011), and inSam Shepard’sFool for Love(2014). HisOff-Broadwayperformances included the title role ...