Soft Clip,是指虽然比对不到基因组,但是还是存在于SEQ (segment SEQuence)中的序列,此时CIGAR列对应的S(Soft)的符号。直白点说,就是虽然比对不上参考基因组,但是在BAM/SAM文件中的reads上还是存在的序列(并没有被截断扔掉的序列)。Hard Clip,同样的,就表示比对不上并且不会存在于SAM/BAM文件...
recordName=recordName.substr(0,len);//clean endedif(!isDecoy(recordName)){stringoutputFile = generateFileName(recordName);printf("%s\n",outputFile.c_str());if(writers.find(outputFile) == writers.end())//if the BamWriter is not initializedwriters[outputFile] =newBamWriter(outputFile, ba...
% git clone % cp samclip/samclip /usr/local/bin # choose a folder in your $PATH Test Installation % ./samclip --version samclip 0.2 % ./samclip --help SYNOPSIS Filter SAM file for soft & hard clipped alignments AUTHOR Torsten Seemann (@tors...
作为输入prompt,去分割instance;结合clip模型,完善sam的text prompt能力,通过输入文字提取目标的mask;还...
bam文件softclip , hardclip ,markduplicate的探究 测序产生的bam文件,有一些reads在cigar值里显示存在softclip,有一些存在hardclip,究竟softclip和hardclip是怎么判断出来的,还有是怎么标记duplicate的reads的,我怀着这些问题进行了探究。 测试步骤 编辑两个bed文件,分别含有我们需要的read1和read2位置,这里每个...
PaperClip Designing a touch-sensitive sensor + sound-sample recording software. Gerber File Extensions Making sense—mostly—of the alphabet soup of circuit board layout files. Using Arscons Free’d from the kind tyranny of the ArduinoIDE. ...
方案:如图一下半部分和图二伪代码所示,去掉反向传播,直接使用p_hat作为输出的概率分布,同时在每个view的输出计算softmax时将温度系数取0(所以叫ZERO),也就是将最大类的概率置1、其他类概率置0,整个过程相当于不同view的输出进行hard vote。 效果:如图一、三,在Episodic TTA的设定显著提升了CLIP和MaPLE模型在各类...
master develop exp/raw-index cram_split_tags configure parser-flags irods_update cigar-P-bis cram_digests CSIv2 ftype lite norm-indels 1.10.2 1.10.1 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4.1 1.4 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.2.0-rc12 0.2.0-rc11 0.2.0-rc10 htslib / sam.c ...
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I have to remind myself again that however odd this file may be, there’s a real person here with a real problem that they need to have a real solution to. I force my suspicions down, and use the mirror to adopt the face of the loved one who has passed on. The door opens just...