Yes, it´s excel for demonstration. I´m using measures, not calculated columns. See below the screenshots: I understand the my qty measure ("2018 LITRY MLEKA", the middle column) shows the value only on the row where the account is filtered, and then the third column...
Inerst Excel sheet to power bi exactly the same 05-02-2023 04:47 AM Hello, Im trying to build a report in power bi. and i have this attached snapshot, i have this table in excel sheet, and i want to move it exacly the same to power bi. same color same every...
message 4 of 8 1,284 views 11-22-2022 12:07 pm yes, it´s excel for demonstration. i´m using measures, not calculated columns. see below the screenshots: i understand the my qty measure ("2018 litry mleka", the middle column) shows the value only ...