In theology, the study of salvation is called soteriology, from the Greek soteria meaning "salvation". Salvation, virtually synonymous with the overall concept of redemption, includes a past, present, and future sense. As Christians, we were saved from the penalty of sin when God brought us ...
Customers and employees say they were shocked to learn of the impending closing of the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Binghamton's East Side.
First, in the parable of the seed, the sower scatters the seed and then does nothing more. That’s his only role – to scatter seed. Then, spontaneously or (in the Greek) automatically the seeds grow. It is in their nature to grow, once they have been scattered. So the man goes ...
meaning of the cross power of God Romans A better way to view the atonement of Christ: Christus Victor January 21, 2018 I have written before the “penal” part of the PSA (penal substitutionary atonement) model. In summary, I believe the “penal” part to be a misnomer. Its forensic ...
“Messiah means the Anointed One” in Hebrew. Jesus was anointed by God, and the Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a Dove. This happened in 26 A.D. When John The Baptist baptized Jesus. “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, ...
(Greek soteria; Hebrew yeshu'ah). Salvation has in Scriptural language the general meaning of liberation from straitened circumstances or from other evils, and of a translation into a state of freedom and security (I Kings, xi, 13; xiv, 45; II Kings, xxiii, 10; IV Kings, xiii, 17)....
"Hallelujah" is a Hebrew word meaning "Praise the Lord." It is used here as an exclamation of worship and adoration. This is the first of four occurrences of "Hallelujah" in the New Testament, all found in this chapter, highlighting the theme of divine victory and celebration. Salvation ...
First of all, thisquick referenceguide shows the 2025 Hebrew and Gregorian dates, the Hebrew names, the purpose of the Feasts and Biblical instructions for observing them from a Messianic understanding. Although for me the first time through the Feasts was more learning than experiencing, with eac...
May you find yourself asking questions and seeking the answers through prayer, asking ELOHIM/GOD for ONLY the Truth, and Biblical study/research! ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is our ABBA/FATHER IN HEAVEN/HA’SHAMAYIM, HIS SON JESUS/YESHUA’YAH, and HIS HOLY SPIRIT/...
NEVER in the bible does he say that a man may go to heaven if he JUST believes, actually he says that “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead” James 2:14-26 Meaning that faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. The Bible ...