to the Bible,graceis a free gift given to us without the payment of our own good works. God justifies us “by faith without the deeds of the law” (Romans 3:28) and grants us His “righteousness without works” (Romans 4:6). This theme is repeated in many places in the scriptures...
Scriptures That Teach All Men Will Be Judged by Their Conduct, Not Their Belief by Kirby Hopper • April 9, 2018 • 0 Comments Primary Text for the Basis for Judgement: “This is the judgment [that is, the cause for indictment, the test by which people are judged, the basis for ...
Oddly enough, even though we learn about God and Jesus and salvation in the Bible, Christians are tempted to go to other things for assurance of biblical salvation. They will look to experiences or rituals or parents or pastors for assurance. But the Bible not only tells about salvation, ...
God's wonderfulplan of salvationthrough Jesus (Yeshua, meaningGod saves) is revealed in the Holy Bible. This plan is so simple that even a child can repent and believe in Jesus, yet it is also so profound that nootherway is sufficient enough to obtain salvation from sin, death, and the...
Bible Verses About Salvation - Scriptures on Eternal Life Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christis the main topic in the New Testament of the Bible. The gospel is the good news of our reconciliation from the death of sin to eternal life in Christ. Learn more about the biblical me...
The Port-Royal ideal of devotion placed the text of the Scriptures at its foundation. This ideal and its enactment in publishing an accessible Bible aroused criticism and drove Antoine Arnauld to publicly defend and justify the project. Critics condemned the doctrine of universal access to the ...
Posted inBible TaggedAssyria 亞述,Bible Contradiction 聖經矛盾,Cannan/Canaanites 迦南/迦南人,耶和華的性情,Justice 公正,Killing 殺戮,Love 愛,Noah 挪亞 方舟 大洪水,Punishment 懲罰,Revelation 啟示錄,Righteous 公義,Salvation 救贖/救恩,Skeptics,Sodom & Gomorrah,Spiritual 神學家,牧師不會談的,thoughts ...
It’s fascinating how often the Bible gets deified, based on the way we use certain phrasings: “The Bible says …”, “The Scriptures teach us “, “The Bible tells us”. In all of those examples, the Bible is antropomorphized – i.e., it’s getting endowed with characteristics whi...
Do not copy the scriptures, but answer the questions briefly and in your own words. Sin is the failure to obey any of God’s commandments or laws. 1. How does the Bible describe sin? 1 John 3:4___ 2. What is the result of sin? Romans 6:23___ James 1:15___...
Supporting Scriptures: “Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (...