salvage ship,salvage reputation 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 salvage 显示所有例句 n. 1. (对财物等的)抢救the act of saving things that have been, or are likely to be, damaged or lost, especially in a disaster or an accident 2. ...
大小写变形:Salvage 词态变化 复数:salvages; 第三人称单数:salvages; 过去式:salvaged; 过去分词:salvaged; 现在分词:salvaging; 实用场景例句 全部 抢救出的财产 抢救 thesalvageof the wrecked tanker 对失事油轮的打捞 牛津词典 asalvagecompany/operation/team ...
salvage的意思、解释 过去式:salvaged; 过去分词:salvaged; 现在分词:salvaging; 复数形式:salvages; salvage 基本解释 名词海上营救; 抢救出的财产; 救援费; 经加工后重新利用的废物 及物动词(从火灾、海难等中)抢救(某物); 回收利用(某物) salvage 相关例句 ...
Salvage title 2021 ford f150 super cab with right front collision. 2.7 l ... Our inventory is purchased directly fromInsurance Companies. See all cars Welcome to Elite Motor Cars, Inc. d/b/a Salvage Zone SalvageZone is a registered trademark of Elite Motor Cars Inc. We are...
salvage boatn. 海难救援船 salvage cruiser救生快艇 salvage depot修理部 salvage fermentation分段合成发酵, 补救发酵 相似单词 salvagen.[U] 1.(对财物等的)抢救 2.抢救出的财物 v.[T] 1.打捞,营救(失事船舶等),抢救(失事船舶、火灾等中的财物) 2.挽救,挽回 ...
Salvage salvage カミソリのような 果てしない高みへ さぁ突き抜けて 世界を吹き飛ばす導火線 君に託そう今夜 Salvage salvage 光を掴め Salvage salvage その手の中に 今すぐにその胸に Salvage salvage 神に誓いを Salvage salvage 捧げる前に 胸が裂けるような 鮮烈な果て...
The Salvages 'Where is My Mind' Tune In Record OS T-Shirt Regular price$65 The Salvages 'Where Is My Mind' Pixel Emblem OS Hoodie Regular price$110 Sold out The Salvages 'Where Is My Mind' Camper Wide Cargo Pants Regular price$270 ... The Salvages is a cutting-edge brand that sits at the crossroads of fashion and streetwear, capitalizing on the power of upcycling to deliver unique clothing pieces. Rooted heavily in the punk and rock-and-roll aesthetic, the label underscores the avant-garde disposition. It ...
salvage 英 [ˈsælvɪdʒ] 美 [ˈsælvɪdʒ] SATTEM8GRE 外刊例句 Instead of burying TPP, they should try tosalvagewhat they can from the wreckage. 他们非但不该埋葬跨太平洋伙伴关系协定,反而应当从残骸中尽力抢救它。 ——《经济学人》 ...