Define saltpetre. saltpetre synonyms, saltpetre pronunciation, saltpetre translation, English dictionary definition of saltpetre. or n 1. another name for potassium nitrate 2. short for Chile saltpetre Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridge
Define Chilean saltpetre. Chilean saltpetre synonyms, Chilean saltpetre pronunciation, Chilean saltpetre translation, English dictionary definition of Chilean saltpetre. n. A white or colorless crystalline compound, KNO3, used to pickle meat and in the m
Define saltpetreman. saltpetreman synonyms, saltpetreman pronunciation, saltpetreman translation, English dictionary definition of saltpetreman. n , pl -men a supplier of saltpetre Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014
Define Chili saltpetre. Chili saltpetre synonyms, Chili saltpetre pronunciation, Chili saltpetre translation, English dictionary definition of Chili saltpetre. n. A white crystalline compound, NaNO3, used in solid rocket propellants, in the manufacture o