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Cotton is an important cash crop with a certain salt tolerance, but its germination stage is very susceptible to the damage of salt stress, causing significant yield loss. However, few studies have evaluated the cotton salt tolerance and selected salt tolerance traits at germi...
Pires, I.A. Abreu, J. Maroco, B. Courtois, et al. (2013). New allelic variants found in key rice salt-tolerance genes: an association study. Plant Biotechnol. J. 11:87- 100.Negrao S, Cecilia AM, Pires IS, Abreu IA, Maroco J, Courtois B, Gregorio GB, McNally KL, Margarida OM ...
Salt apparently affects allergic immune reactions. A team working with Prof. Christina Zielinski at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has demonstrated in cell cultures that salt leads to the formation of Th2 cells. These immune cells are active in allergic conditions such as atopic dermatiti...
Hello there i was looking at this issue and trying to fix it, i have a question related testing the changes, in the test files the logic is been mimic of the function default_bucket_id def test_default_bucket_exists_and_has_user_id(self): bucket = self.app.get(self.bucket_url, head...
LKB1 is a master kinase that regulates metabolism and growth through adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and 12 other closely related kinases. Liver-specific ablation of LKB1 causes increased glucose production in hepatocytes in vitro
First the fish cut into chunks, with a dash of salt, half-hour, rinse with water, dry, and pot roast to drain the oil into a hot 8 half of the two, all of old Ginger, a small piece and put the fish pieces, plus a large spoon, 料酒 two tablespoons soy sauce, sugar, a little...
Drilling high-pressure/high-temperature wells in salt rock formations is still a challenge for the energy industry. Creep and solubility is part of the salt rock physical-chemical behaviour, which must be considered in the design of the wells. The stress redistribution caused by drilling, in ...
Aldosteroneplaysamajorroleintheregulationofsaltbalanceandthepathophysiologyofcardiovascular andrenaldiseases.Manyaldosterone-regulatedgenes—includingthatencodingtheepithelialNa + channel (ENaC),akeyarbiterofNa + transportinthekidneyandotherepithelia—havebeenidentified,butthemecha- nismsbywhichthehor ...
By-Products of Zea mays L.: A Promising Source of Medicinal Properties with Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities: A Comprehensive Review 2023, Chemistry and Biodiversity Investigation of phytochemical profiling and therapeutic effects of corn silk against diabetes in human male subjects 2022, Pakis...