A standard methodological approach has been taken with all Science of Salt systematic reviews. A detailed description of this standard approach has been previously published [18], and is summarised below. Briefly, a standard search strategy is used to identify articles that meet our inclusion criteri...
Tmc4KO and WT mice were tested for their aversive behaviour to high-concentration salt solution by measuring the lick ratio to water. There was a slight difference in the lick ratio value for NaCl solutions between KO and WT mice (Fig.4A;F(1, 70) = 4.30,p = 0.04). However,...
(Dunedin and Wellington) which reported a median UIC of 113 μg/L [12]. However, the present study had a larger sample size, is more representative of the different ethnicities common in the New Zealand population, and the interval between fortification and assessment is longer (i.e., more...