You've probably heard about the benefits of salt water or used it to treat a sore throat, gums, and even for pain relief after a dental procedure. A salt water mouthrinse is an easy and affordable home remedy used to ease oral discomfort, but what are the benefits of this home-made s...
I’ve written before about how the depleted magnesium levels in our food and water, and the imbalance of nutrients in the foods that we eat have left most of us dangerously deficient in magnesium. Most of us also have too much calcium in our bodies, relative to our magnesium levels (thank...
There are many astounding health benefits of pure salt that many don’t know about. A pinch of seasalt a day may do little miracles. Types Of Salt Salt is essential for the survival of all living creatures, including human. It is needed to regulate the water content in our body. We of...
In case you are under the impression that salt is simply a different way to lower your health and add to your waistline, then you need to know there are actually advantages to adding just a little salt in your diet. Salt plays a part in water retention, muscle contraction, as well as ...
Gargling Salt Water Benefits Gargling salt water may help with a sore, itchy throat and respiratory congestion. Problems with throat are actually caused by inflammation of the tissues. A sense of fullness and difficulty swallowing are both related to swelling of the tissue lining the throat, known...
Salting Water to Raise Water Temperature Another reason salt is added to water is becauseit increases the boiling point of the water, meaning your water will have a higher temperature when you add the pasta, so it will cook better. ... That is much more salt than anyone would care to ha...
when his cows refused to drink from the water spring. He soon found that wading through it, though, caused the cows' wounds to heal quicker. People began to talk about it, and that was how the Epsom salt use tradition began and led to the long list of potential benefits enjoyed today....
Benefits Risks and Side Effects How to Do a Salt Water Flush Salt Water Flush Recipe Are you like 20 percent of the public that suffers from constipation? It’s nothing to be ashamed about, so even if high-fiber foods don’t always do the trick, consider a salt water flush. Sometimes ...
Bath soak.If you have atopic eczema, you might find that bathing in salt water (about a cup per gallon of water) may benefit your skin. Toothpaste.Salt-containing toothpaste has been proven toinhibit inflammationand bacteria in the mouth. It's believed to strengthen tooth enamel, whiten teeth...
In order to obtain the best results, one needs to add two cups of Epsom salths to lukewarm or even hot bath water. There are also certain types of essential oils which may be blended with the highly beneficial Epsom salts. One a person suffers from magnesium deficiency it may lead to ...