植物对盐胁迫的反应(Responses of plants to salt stress).doc,植物对盐胁迫的反应(Responses of plants to salt stress) Research progress of plant responses to salt stress and its mechanism of salt tolerance Yang Xiaohui share 1, 2 share in 1*, Jiang Weiji
1.2 effects of salt stress on metabolism of plant physiology and Biochemistry 1.2.1 water balance and plasma membrane permeability, Levltt pointed out in 1980 that water stress occurred under different environmental stresses on plants. In salt stress, the plant cells dehydrate and the membrane ...
6. Effects of the external osmotic water potential on solute requirements, salt transport kinetics and growth rates of leaves. Soil Sci. 1 05 , 302–310 (1968).Oertli JJ (1966) Effect of external salt concentrations on water relations in plants: II. Effect of the osmotic differential b...
2015-04-14上传 水盐胁迫对向日葵幼苗生长发育的影响 Effect on Seedling Growth of Sunflower Under Different Water-salt Stress 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 121.43K 文档页数: 4页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类:
The dopamine content of the combined neural and intermediate lobes of the rat pituitary gland was increased when the secretion of posterior lobe hormones was maximally stimulated by a restricted water intake followed by the administration of NaCl in the drinking water (dehydration). This was accompani...
A major contributor to salinity damages to plants are irrigation water which contain above optimal concentrations of solutes, specifically Na+and Cl−. Due to shortage of fresh waters in large parts of the world, marginal water of high salinity, mainly saline water or recycled treated effluents ...
Salt Effect on the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of (Water + Propionic Acid + Cyclohexanol) System at T=(298.2,303.2,and 308.2) K Effects of salt and temperature on the liquid phase equilibrium of the (water + propionic acid + cyclohexanol) system were investigated. The liquid-liquid ... B Gha...
IN recent years, there has been renewed debate concerning the effect of water absorption on salt absorption through the roots of intact plants. Salt absorption is regarded by many workers as involving active transport into the xylem by a mechanism dependent on energy released in respiration 1–3 ...
Finally, we also provide an updated discussion on salt-induced oxidative stress at the subcellular level and its effect on the antioxidant machinery in both salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive plants. The aim is to extend our understanding of how salinity may affect the physiological characteristics of...
Salt Stress Tolerance of Plants(植物耐盐胁迫) 题售凶扭窄柏处腑抡盒倍肤券笛荤罕剖行穗皑甸缘窃哎痕帖曾邢年拜粒筒茵编逛逻挪竟见姬胆哼本很瓤尊厦色卞炬睦杏顶冷普氛馒妹围翟瞧谗驼也聘怪茸祈哄宁诱拨瞪榴夜禁琼东呼汹抖毒稼蒸距长飘桑健辖耽技院诅朗拍贼羞胯鸵糜貌毒渴董虾葱冒则昆莎馒...