Salt of the Earth: Directed by Herbert J. Biberman. With Will Geer, David Bauer, David Sarvis, Mervin Williams. Mexican workers at a zinc mine call a general strike. It is only through the solidarity of the workers, and importantly the indomitable resolv
1954年03月14日(美国) 导演 Herbert J...又名社会中坚 Salt of the Earth编剧 Michael Bi...Michael Wi...主演 Rosaura Revueltas威尔·吉尔David WolfeMervin WilliamsDavid Sarvis 剧情 这部影片对美国40年代工人阶级的生活处境、工作条件、所受资本家的压迫、工人们为争取自己应得权利与工作保障所进行的正义斗...
created 7 years ago•35 titles User polls Related polls from IMDb users Favorite Independent Film of the 50s and 60s Celebrating American Independents United Workers on Strike In honor of Labor Day! The peasants are revolting The Land of Enchantment Movies...
Salt of the Earth(1954) 7/10 Low production quality, but powerful messages, and a brave film 21 December 2020 A movie that stood up against the exploitation of workers, racism, and sexism, making it a triple threat for me. The fact that it did this in 1954 during the McCarthy years ...
1954年电影《Salt of the Earth》,就是在这样一个艰巨的时代,拍出来的一部优秀的电影。也许这部电影在影像、故事呈现上远远不及比它年代更早的爱森斯坦的电影,但是它作为诞生在二战后美国反共恐怖浪潮威胁下难产的电影,加上起着呼唤男男女女工人阶级奋起的战斗意识,有着划时代的意义。
I analyze this 1950 strike, the economic and social history of the community in which it took place, and its subsequent representation in the independent film Salt of the Earth (1954) in order to advance several arguments regarding the Left, the Mexican American working class, and gender in ...
Not many people remember the 1954 film Salt of the Earth, a low-budget account of a mining strike in New Mexico. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the movie is that it was made at all.
FILM REVIEWS Salt of the Earth, 1954, 94 minutes. The power of a first rate fictionalized documentary lies in its ability to take the viewer "inside" the events, exploring repercussions in the lives of participants of an historical drama, reaching for universals in human conduct which go far...
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From the Salt of the Earth 来自 ACS 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7 摘要: MONTAGUE, MICH.-Planting host to some 225 officials representing industry and the press, Hooker Electrochemical on June 18 showed to visitors for the first time its newly-opened chlorine-caustic plant at Montague. Most modern plant...