till this day, the jackets hold a place of honor in salt-n-pepa’s act, though they aren’t spilling before the show. “there is a part in our show where that jacket has its own moment,” says pepa. “and the crowd loses their mind when the jacket comes out.” we would, too....
演奏者: Salt N Pepa唱片专辑: Blacks' Magic歌曲: Negro Wit' An EgoHere we go (yo), I'm a negro with an egoSo? Don't tell me what I'm doin' is illegalNo, I resort to violence only when provokedContrary to rumors, I'm no jokeIf I sound hard it's because I'm pee-ed offAn...
演奏者: Salt N Pepa唱片专辑: Blacks' Magic歌曲: You Showed MeYou showed me what to do, exactly what to doWhen I was in love with youYou showed me many of things, plenty of hard timesThen I got up on it but the hard wayOut there to tax, you chose me to slayI saw what you ...
演奏者: Salt N Pepa唱片专辑: Blacks' Magic歌曲: Live & Let DieI'm a sister with a grip on her lifeI only live once so I gotta get rightThe first time cuz there won't be a secondI'm not in the mood to preach about the wrong of the worldIt can't be changed by three girlsOn...