Brady Brammer If a Business and Chancery Court judge is unable to preside over an action of the court, this bill allows the Judicial Council to designate a district court judge to preside over the action. The bill also clarifies that the District Court has jurisdiction over an action if a ...
LIBRARY districtsPUBLIC librariesRICHLAND County Public Library (Columbia, S.C.)SALT Lake City Public Library (Salt Lake City, Utah)TOLEDO-Lucas County Public Library (OhioThis article reports on news from several library systems...
Paper presented at the Spring meeting of the Arizona Archaeological Council, April 8 and 9, Tucson. Arizona State Museum 1993 Archaeological Site Recording Manual, Version 1.1. Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson. 1995 Revised Site Defi...
These privatized lands later became the basis for resorts within the National Forest. The prize resource of the districts today is clean water, some flowing from old adits.Laurence P. JamesUtah Geological Association