英语缩写词 "84131" 通常被用作 "Salt Lake City, UT" 的简写,中文含义为 "犹他州盐湖城"。本文将深入探讨 "84131" 作为缩写词的含义,包括其对应的中文拼音 "yóu tā zhōu yán hú chéng",以及它在英语中的常见度、分类、应用领域和实例。具体来说,"84131" 缩写代表的是美国犹他州盐湖城...
84128UTSalt Lake CtyA (Acceptable)Salt Lake 84129UTSalt Lake CtyA (Acceptable)Salt Lake 84130UTSalt Lake CtyA (Acceptable)Salt Lake 84131UTSalt Lake CtyA (Acceptable)Salt Lake 84132UTSalt Lake CtyA (Acceptable)Salt Lake 84133UTSalt Lake CtyA (Acceptable)Salt Lake ...
UT 区县: Salt Lake 区县FIPS: 49035 Salt Lake - 邮政编码 Salt Lake的邮政编码是什么?Salt Lake包含许多不同的地方。下表显示了Salt Lake下的所有邮政编码,共有70个邮编。您可以浏览所想了解的邮政编码。 84006 84009 84020 84044 84047 84065 84070 ...
Bertha Madorelawn cut in Salt Lake City UT I’ve been busy with my studies at the university, so I had Barney’s Lawn Care come to my off-campus house in Federal Heights to help me out. The team did well with letting me know what my space needed. More importantly, they did well ...
Funeral Homes in Salt Lake City, UT Map Places Pic by vxla Eric Pancer < D Rame... / CC BY-SA 3.0 Places Below you fill find all funeral homes and cemeteries in or near Salt Lake City. Popular neighborhoods in Salt Lake City include: 9th and 9th, Capitol Hill, Central City, Down...