Salt Lake City air quality has never met federal attainment levels for ozone or 24-hour PM2.5 pollution.1This severe nonattainment status has resulted in consistent “F” ratings for both measures. According to the 2019 State of the Air report, the Salt Lake City area, which includesProvoand...
Open your windows to bring clean, fresh air indoors Get a monitor Pollen What is the pollen count in Devonshire Drive today? Index Low Source: Real-time Devonshire Drive, Salt Lake City air pollution map Protect yourself from air pollution in Devonshire Drive, Salt Lake City ...
Pollution Index:61.69 Pollution Exp Scale:119.00 Pollution in Salt Lake City, UT, United States Air Pollution75.31High Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility22.08Low Dissatisfaction with Garbage Disposal23.63Low Dirty and Untidy29.55Low Noise and Light Pollution47.40Moderate ...
Results also demonstrate that greater proportions of Hispanic, black, and Pacific Islander residents predict higher levels of air pollution, suggesting that systemic white privilege oppresses those groups such that they experience air pollution disparities. Mormons are socially privileged in Salt Lake City...
An Amtrak route between LA - Las Vegas - Provo/Salt Lake City/Ogden - Pocatello - Boise - Portland - Seattle would do very well, I think, and would be a good first step towards getting even faster rail service. Also, the California Zephyr, which currently stops at Provo and Salt Lake...
Your perception of pollution, purity and cleanliness in Salt Lake City, UT, United States How satisfied are you with the quality of air in this city? Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Sure
Salt Lake City sustainability efforts focus on improving air quality, water conservation, renewable energy, and a robust recycling program.
pollution in the Salt Lake Valley and Wasatch front during high wind events. There are ~ 2.5 M people residing in the Salt Lake valley and along the Wasatch front, and PM concentrations during dust events can temporarily exceed levels defined by the US-EPA and Utah Department of Air Qualit...
from the Great Salt Lake, comparing them with sediments from other dust sources in the Great Basin, namely Sevier Lake, Fish Springs Lake, and West Desert in western Utah and Tule Lake in northeastern California. These places are known to contribute to dust pollution reaching Salt Lake C...
1[听力原文]What do the environmental groups think of the Salt Lake Olympic Gaines?[试题类型] 细节理解题[关键词定位] permanent harm[点拨] 在听录音之前,预览四个选项可知本文可能谈论的是The games与environment的问题。原文中用转折语言引出环境组织的意见,however, ...have done permanent harm to the...