To find out whether these results were just a local effect on the kidneys, researchers also infected the mice with Listeria. They discovered that the full-body infection also worsened when the animals took in too much salt.Study leaders were surprised sinceearlier researchindicated that excess salt...
Six-month-old eNOS(-/-) mice were placed on 0.12%, 0.45% or 8% NaCl diet for 8 weeks and blood pressure measured weekly; kidneys were collected for pathology evaluation and scoring at the end of the 8-week period. Mice deficient of eNOS were hypertensive at baseline compared with ...
C. Blood pressure control–special role of the kidneys and body fluids. Science 252, 1813 (1991). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Selkurt, E. E. Effect of pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure modification on renal hemodynamics and electrolyte and water excretion. Circulation 4, 541–...
Salt glandsof some birds and reptiles are also engaged in excretion of salts; indeed, in some forms they are more important than the kidneys in the elimination of salts. They are modified nasal glands in lizards and marine birds (Fig. M46a) and lachrymal glands in marine turtles but in ...
Share on Facebook nephritis (redirected fromsalt-losing nephritis) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia ne·phri·tis (nə-frī′tĭs)·phrit·i·des(-frĭt′ĭ-dēz′)orne·phri·tis·es Any of various acute or chronic inflammations of the kidneys, such as Bright's disease. ...
Magnesium in any form, including Epsom salt, must be used with caution in patients with renal failure, since it is processed by the kidneys and can reach toxic levels easily in those patients. Magnesium sulfate is often used to successfully treat preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnant women, but...
Our kidneys maintain the balance of electrolytes and water by regulating the fluids that we take in and pass out of our bodies. If this balance is disturbed, our muscles, nerves and organs won't function correctly because the cells can't generate muscle contractions and nerve impulses. Too ...
Figure 11 (Chap. 4, p. 52) demonstrates a common clinical phenomenon: a diuretic which causes the kidneys to excrete an excessive amount of sodium and potassium, and water associated therewith does not have any effect upon the underlying metabolic disorder in MTLP, for as soon as the diureti...
For example, one such study showed that in normotensive Wistar–Kyoto rats high salt intake resulted in deposition of fibrous tissue in the heart and kidneys despite only modest rises in their blood pressure, almost to the same extent seen in their hypertensive counterparts, spontaneously ...
Endothelin-1 which signals through two receptors, endothelin receptor subtype A and B, is important for controlling sodium excretion by the kidneys. There are known sex-differences in the ratio and function of endothelin receptors in the kidney. However, the role of endothelin receptors in salt ...