By adding in a expiration or repeal of the SALT deduction cap, that would grow to $5.1 trillion, it added. "Lawmakers should not extend the TCJA without a plan to – at a minimum – offset the costs of extension, but ideally the plan would raise revenues relative to current law and...
The expiration of key provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will have implications beyond federal tax policy, particularly on the debate around the cap on the itemized deduction for state and local taxes. Arguments for letting the SALT cap expire emphasize its unfairness to some taxpay...
SALT Deduction Cap Appears To Be Shifting Job Creation To Low Tax StatesCHUCK DEVORE
When does the SALT cap expire? The current SALT deduction limit is set to expire at the end of 2025. And the looming expiration has created a lively political debate about its future. On one hand, proponents of the cap tout its ability to increase federal revenue while mostly sparing the ...
Andrew S. Mason
Salt in the Wounds: Issues and Solutions Surrounding the TCJA SALT Deduction CapC. CampisanoThe Seton Hall Law Review
caplimitationPerhaps the most controversial provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is the state and local tax deduction limitation (or SALT cap), particularly with rKahn, Jeffrey H.Romney, Miles A.Treu, JohnSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The Continuing Fight over the SALT Deduction CapRosenthal, Corey L.Rothenberg, Lance E.CPA Journal