Posted inCabaret,Couples Costume Ideas,Saloon Girls,Scarborough Fair Steampunk,Showgirl,Steampunk Ladies,Steampunk Men|Comments Offon Scarborough Fair Steampunk Inspired Costumes: Victorian Old West Town Baron & Baroness ANNOUNCING: Steampunk November: Nov. 9-11, 2018: Rachel McAdams, Irene Adler She...
While the “proper” ladies might have scorned them, the saloon girl could count on respect from the males. And as for the “respectable women”, the saloon girls were rarely interested in the opinions of the drab, hard-working women who set themselves up to judge them. In fact, they we...
Women Who Weren't Working Girls Or Barmaids Seldom Entered The Saloon Women served two main purposes at saloons:they sold alcohol or sold flesh. At saloons that offered entertainment, women might be dancers or theater performers as well, but sometimes the lines between roles blurred.Maulda Bra...
Go west,and find the 'Western Saloon",not the western bar in the west .But a good look at the stuff of the west ! Good times happen at this saloon,look around and see old time stuff, Best sound box,I'v found to dance ,or listen to...
“If those girls aren’t out town by this coming Sunday,” the preacher said, according to Garton, “I intend to read both lists in church.’” The city council vote a few days later was unanimous. The brothels would have to go. ...
Old West Shooting Society Cowboy Shoots. Coyote Valley Sporting Clays Gun Range, Morgan Hill, California.
Besides the great deli stylesandwichesthat River City Saloon offers, we also feature Old West Sarsaparilla brewed exclusively for us by River City Brewing Company also located in Old Sacramento. In fact, you can grab the kids and belly up to the bar and get one for just 25 cents! While yo...
Don (NROTC) Garry (USMA West Point) Rick (NROTC) Captain Rick Williams USN Ret. –Although all three of the Williams boys served in the military, our youngest brother had a long and distinguished Navy career. After graduation and commissioning from the NROTC program at Oregon State, he becam...
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