Rendez-vous du 6 au 11 novembre 2024 de 10h00 à 19h00 au Parc Floral de Paris pour 6 jours de rencontres, d’échanges et de découvertes bio.
séjours de remise en forme et de détente, ayurvédique, cures rapides, séjours vitalité, vacances nature, spas, salons de massage, instituts de beauté, bains de vapeur, centres de spa, saunas, salles de sport, shopping, marArts martiaux Cosmétiques et soins bio ou naturels, argile, s...
, Salon International de l’Agriculture Paris 2025 will offer its attendees many side activities. They range from educational and business-oriented to culinary and entertainment-focused. AGRI’ EXPO: a show within SIA focusing on bio sourcing innovations and sustainable agricultural practices; AGRI’ ...
Things looked bleak at the beginning of the year, but with the growing trend of lesbian brides getting gunned down or cheating on their wedding days, and the continued trend of bisexual characters only expressing their same-sex attraction during Sweeps, and the loss of Showtime's lesbian drama...
Perfect for dry skin This scrumptious facial includes Deep double – Per Cleanser / Soothing Cleanser Exfoliation A soothing skin masque Soothing Toner A luxury peel off Bio skin masque that deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin Arm massage A deeply relaxing facial massage Ultra Soothing moisturiser...
Foster's design for the Reichstag was a model of sustainability and ahead of its time, using an on-site bio-fuel cogenerator to produce the building's electricity. This machine works by storing surplus heat in an underground aquifer, the hot water from which is pumped up to heat...
Between concept store and beauty salon, thisorganic spa storehas more than one trick up to its sleeve to seduce you. With personalized treatments and organic beauty products, divas looking for natural can be flat-out! To be read Where to shop for bargains in Paris?
Bioensaio Toxicológico Utilizando Artemia salina: Fatores Envolvidos Em Sua Eficácia. Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina. 2015. Available online: (accessed on 29 September 2023). ...
Rheumatologie, Dermatologie, Fitness- und Entspannungsreisen, Ayurveda, Kuren schnell, Aufenthalte Vitalität, Natururlaub, Spas, Massagesalons, Schönheitssalons, Dampfbäder, Spa-Zentren, Saunen, Fitnessstudios, Einkaufen, marLebenskunst-Kosmetik und Bio-Hautpflege oder Naturheilkunde, Tonerde, ...