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Georges Salomon Founder OUR ICONIC LOGOS 3/3 OUR ORIGINS: A LEGACY BORN IN THE ALPS Founded in 1947 in Annecy, in the heart of the French Alps, Salomon has always been driven by a passion for outdoor sports. In 1957, the brand revolutionized skiing with the launch of the innovative “...
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Born in the French Alps 75 years ago, Salomon’s mission is to help people discover the best version of themselves through a deeper connection with nature. S/LAB SPECTUR Unleash Your Potential The S/LAB SPECTUR brings race-day exclusive to an inclusive package. Featuring innovative components ...
Salomon萨洛蒙 1月23日 10:00 来自微博网页版 Salomon 三度携手设计师Sandy Liang创立的同名纽约时尚品牌联手打造XT-Whisper合作鞋款,重新诠释Salomon的户外越野科技基因,致力于赋予女性勇敢展现个性和创造力的力量,向超脱、大胆和富有创造力的女性发起致敬。1月23日 10点,上淘宝搜【天猫小黑盒】,抢先预约XT-WHISPE...
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Salomon 释义 [男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 萨洛蒙来源于希伯来语男子名,含义是“和平”(peace) 实用场景例句 全部 Salomonwas our investment banker, and its service was excellent. 负责这次发行债券的投资银行就是所罗门, 他们提供了绝佳的服务. 互联网