The 91 loci, including 21 loci not previously screened in S. salar, are listed in Table 1 along with the subunit structure of each enzyme, the tissue specificity of each locus and whether a locus was found to be variable in the four index samples. Variation at EST5* (*90) FBALD3* (...
we performed real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR, Fluidigm Biomark™) on 41 target genes to:i) validate the microarray results;ii) examine the salmon’s molecular stress and immune responses to these environmental stressors;iii) correlate gene...
DNA analysis, though more complex and more expen- sive, has many advantages over allozyme electrophore- sis, including greater sensitivity, potentially larger number of loci to be screened, and the higher probabi- lity of variation being neutral. Mitochondnal DNA (mtDNA) has been studied ...
Pre-COSEWIC Review of Anadromous Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Canada, Part 1: Designatable UnitsLehnert, S. J.Bradbury, I. R.April, J.Wringe, B. F.Van Wyngaarden, M.Bentzen, P.Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document...
Abteilung für Allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie der Tiere 91(3): 283-294 Seifert, R.; Schlaghecke, R.; Schulz, R.; Blum, V. 1983: Stoffwechselphysiologische Untersuchungen an unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen gehaltenen präpibertären Regenbogenforellen, Salmo gairdneri Richardson - ...
Olimpiade-En?gma May Day-En?gma Hi Haters (Explicit)-En?gma/El Raton/Jack the Smoker Ode-En?gma/Jack the Smoker/Gabriele Deriu Foga(Intro) (Explicit)-En?gma Giù-da me (Explicit)-En?gma/DJ Slait/DJ Breeda Antieroi (Explicit)-En?gma Coriandoli (Explicit)-En?gma/Kill ...
50-91 Stetten, D., Schoenheimer, R.J. (1940) The biological relations of the higher aliphatic alcohols to fatty acids. J. biol. Chem. 133: pp. 347-357 About this Article Title Assimilation of the wax esters of marine zooplankton by herring (Clupea harengus) and rainbow trout (...
Genet Res 91: 367–371. Herath TK, Thompson KD, Adams A, Richards RH (2013). Interferon-mediated host response in experimentally induced salmonid alphavirus 1 infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Vet Immunol Immunopathol 155: 9–20. Hjortaas MJ, Skjelstad HR, Taksdal T, ...
dSwiamayssuslputa.cvnc.eeoisnusfsuplylcl,IyaL-aP3mC4RpalpnifrdioeddpucfHcrtorompf14e+3xp5tcrbIaLpc-ti3en4dlegDnrNgotuAhpwso,af bsmuaultssoncoldetettiienscstPueBdeSia,ntpt7hcDedapNycAsH,3r1.p141,daaannyddsp,pc2cH1Hrdrpap1y1+spgacrnIoLdu-p3248s (gdFraioygusuprpse;.v5h.Aoiw)n. eSp...