MarketingThe SpannersThis Changes EverythingThis Changes My Family and My Life ForeverThis Is/Is Not the Way I Want Things to ChangeTimult BooksVolume I of The SpannersVolume II of The Spanners,Volume III,Writing|Taggedaliens,Amazon,coupons,ebook,ebooks,ebooks salefreeindie authorsKindle Matchbook,...
The Spine’s bookstore and cafe are also open during this time, so browse inside as well: MY books, fromThe Spanners Series(, and those of many authors featured in my video chats from theYouTubearchived Episodes of*CHANGES* Conversations between Authors(https...
So, I swam my first lap and then asked again. He said he was ready for me to take the rope and swim it to the other side. First, he asked me to attach it to the wall we were both near, but it didn’t work. Turns out it was the wrong end, which he figured out and fixed....
Israel claims to be able to have one ready near the end of April, or by mid-May, 2020, but “Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (N.I.A.I.D.) [in the USA], spoke up. ‘A vaccine that you make and start testing in a...
Pay off someone’s layaway at a store.No opportunities (not enough extra funds) 22. $ Cook lunch or dinner for someone I know and bring to them.Several times, served here rather than delivered. 23. $ Buy a college student’s textbook or lunch.No opportunities (not enough extra funds) ...
coupons,discounts,ebook sale,free,Kindlematch,multiple timelines,multiverse,paperbacks,romance,Sally Ember Ed.D Author,sci-fi,science fiction,Smashwords,The Spanners Series,This Changes Everything,This Changes My Family and My Life Forever,This Is/Is Not the Way I Want Things to Change|3 Comments...
So, I swam my first lap and then asked again. He said he was ready for me to take the rope and swim it to the other side. First, he asked me to attach it to the wall we were both near, but it didn’t work. Turns out it was the wrong end, which he figured out and fixed...