Sally Rooney was born in County Mayo and lives in Dublin. Her writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The New YorkTimes and The London Review of Books. She is the winner of the SundayTimes/PFD Young Writer Award 2017. Her second novel Normal People was published in 2018 and longlisted...
Marianne has found her place where she belongs while Connell is shy and uncertain. The two begin to circle each other once again, but they always end up straying until it becomes a necessity that they don’t. Order of Books » Authors » Order of Sally Rooney Books ...
Sally Rooney was born in County Mayo and lives in Dublin. Her writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The New YorkTimes and The London Review of Books. She is the winner of the SundayTimes/PFD Young Writer Award 2017. Her second novel Normal People was published in 2018 and longlisted ...
莎莉·鲁尼(Sally Rooney,1991年2月20日-),1991年生于爱尔兰西部的梅奥郡,2013年毕业于都柏林圣三一大学英文系,作品发表于《格兰塔》、《白色评论》、《都柏林评论》、《蜇人的飞蝇》等杂志。她在攻读美国文学硕士学位期间创作的第1部长篇小说《聊天记录》引起英国出版界广泛关注,共有七家英国出版社争夺版权,zui终...
Sally Rooney was born in the west of Ireland in 1991. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Granta and The London Review of Books. Winner of the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award, she is the author of Conversations with Friends. In 2019, she was nam...
作者:【爱尔兰】Sally Rooney 出版社:Random House Publishing Group 出版时间:2019-04-16 ISBN:9781984822192 本书由Penguin Random House LLC授权掌阅科技电子版制作与发行 版权所有·侵权必究 Normal People is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author...
Rooney continued, “Then, when the show was broadcast, that felt like a lot in terms of the amount of discourse that it generated and the amount of media attention. I felt that world was not where I belonged. I felt like, ‘OK, now I know that my books are where I ...
弗朗西斯,萨利·鲁尼(Sally Rooney)真的很擅长写这种既清醒又拧巴,既矛盾又敏感,既自我又自卑的人物...
Sally Rooney is an Irish novelist. She is the author of CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS; NORMAL PEOPLE; BEAUTIFUL WORLD, WHERE ARE YOU; and INTERMEZZO. She also contributed to the writing and production of the Hulu/BBC television adaptation of NORMAL PEOPLE. Sally Rooney Books by Sally Rooney ...
“I don’t care what the new Sally Rooney books is named, I’m calling it Foursome People,”tweetedElisa Gabbert. “*beeeeeeep* I’m sorry, I’m not available for new Sally Rooney discourse right now, I’m busy dealing with insurrection, pandemic, and online school. Please leave a ...