The Sally Ride EarthKAM @ Space Camp program lets students operate a payload on the International Space Station and photograph specific locations of the Earth from space. Using the latitude and longitude coordinates of the ISS’s orbits during EarthKAM Mission Weeks, students make image requests th...
bing每日壁纸:这张遥远的撒哈拉沙漠的照片,是从太空中通过国际空间站的Sally Ride EarthKAM拍摄的。作为Sally Ride建立的教育项目的一部分,EarthKAM由 中学生 远程编程。Sally Ride是美国首位进行太空旅行的女性,她第一次太空旅行是在1983年。今天是她的生日,我们应该记住她留下的遗产。我们中国的中学生有多少孩子能熟...
With EarthKAM’s success, Sally Ride was bolstered to find other avenues to bring science to youth and the public. As the Internet was growing in everyday use in 1999, she became president of an online company called, which highlights scientific news for those interested in space....
She initiated the EarthKAM project which involves a camera aboard the International Space Station (ISS) that is controlled by students.WoodmanseeLauraAd Astra
答:除了是一名宇航员,萨莉·赖德还和NASA有千丝万缕的联系,她领导了两个NASA公众宣传计划-ISS EarthKAM和GRAIL MoonKAM项目,旨在向中学生普及航天宇宙知识。 4. 萨莉·赖德的个人生活中有哪些亮点或重要事件? 答:萨莉·赖德是第一位已知的LGBT宇航员,她的同性伴侣是科学作家塔姆·奥肖内西。此外,她与他人共同创立了...
NASA is also recognizing Ride by renaming a camera on board the International Space Station (ISS) as the "Sally Ride EarthKAM." The space station camera is a NASA outreach program enabling students, teachers, and the public to learn about the Earth from the perspective of space. During Earth...
NASA is also recognizing Ride by renaming a camera on board the International Space Station (ISS) as the "Sally Ride EarthKAM." The space station camera is a NASA outreach program enabling students, teachers, and the public to learn about the Earth from the perspective of space. During Earth...
The fifth Doodle represents Ride's work with EarthKAM, a NASA educational outreach project that enables students, teachers and the public to learn about Earth by directing a camera aboard the International Space Station. The same Doodle also features Ride's STS-7 and STS-41G mission patches. ...
Sally Ride was the first American woman to go into space. She made two shuttle flights and later became a champion for science education and a role model for generations.