I’m often asked for tips from aspiring children’s book writers. So I compiled some of the things I’ve learned over the years that have helped me. Tip 1: There are no shortcuts Someone told me this starting out, and it’s the first thing I tell people who are serious about writin...
11/3/2021 by Michael Schneider Variety Film + TVJoe Millionaire Revived With For Richer or Poorer Twist — Watch First Promo Joe Millionaire is coming back to Fox, and he’s bringing his less-well-off pal with him.The network is reviving its short-lived reality show, TVLine has learned,...
*Grey’s Anatomy(Good for & RENEWED for SEASONS 16 & 17) HeartlandNetflix[13 SEASONS here and onUPTV, plusHudsonminiseries; SEASON 13 released July, 2020; SEASON 14 releases Aug, 2021, both onUPTVandNetflix;Hudsonis only onCBC/Canadian streaming, as of 7/31/20] Janet King(We liked th...
“The Friday TV Report” 66, for 10/2/20, from Sally Ember, Ed.D., and her mom, Carole Harris Mom at 88, April, 2020 Sally Ember, Ed.D., at 66, August, 2020 #Coronavirus and #COVID19 incidences in the USA are WORSE rather than better in almost all states, including MISSOURI,...