salloc --nodelist=node1,node2 -N 2 -p debug -t 12:00:00 这里,-N 2 表示申请两个节点,-p debug 指定分区为 debug,-t 12:00:00 设置作业最大运行时间为 12 小时。 测试并验证命令: 执行上述命令后,salloc 会尝试在指定的节点上分配资源。如果分配成功,你可以通过 squeue 命令查看作业状态,确认作...
For example: SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE='72(x2),36' indicates that on the first and second nodes (as listed by SLURM_JOB_NODELIST) the allocation has 72 CPUs, while the third node has 36 CPUs. NOTE: The select/linear plugin allocates entire nodes to jobs, so the value indicates the ...