When things are working well there's a lot of liaison with hospital colleagues, specialist and district nurses, pharmacists and paramedics, and social workers and social prescribers, all aiming to keep patients well or ease their suffering. Many GPs have extended roles, developing expertise in ...
allowing insignificant quantities of aid into Gaza with a complete disregard for the actual needs and the level of suffering of the population. Gaza’s last remaining oncological hospital had to shut down as it ran out of fuel on 1 November 2023. MSF teams had to carry out surgery without ...
A Realistic Approach: by MICHAEL GELFAND, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.M.R., Physician, Harari Hospital, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. Forewrod by Sir Neil Hamilton Fairley, K.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. 243 pages, illustrated, Edinburgh and London, E. S. ...
Coffey, M. and Byrt, R. (editors) (2010) Forensic Mental Health Nursing: Ethics, Debates, Dilemmas. pp.349. Salisbury. Quay Books.THE LAST anyone saw of Sinisa Glavasevic was on 19 November 1991, standing in the grounds of a hospital in the Croatian town of Vukovar. That was the ...
we care for people of all ages who have community health needs, mental health needs and learning disabilities throughout bradford. salisbury.nhs.uk salisbury district hospital is a large hospital at odstock in wiltshire, england, about 1 ¹⁄₂ miles south of the centre of the city of sa...