When you aren’t able to soak, you may want to use a saline spray that is formulated for use on piercings. Some are normal saline in a clean-delivery can, and others have enzymes or other additives. Barring an inappropriate ingredient or an overly strong stream, these products are safe a...
I love the spray it healed up my piercings like a charm. love it and will buy it again in the future. Helpful?(0)(0)Report Personal Piercing Cleaner Works just as Amazing as the brands, that are selling them for much higher. This is a great cleaner for per...
Saline solution is handy for tasks like cleaning piercings or irrigating your sinuses, but it can get inconvenient to go out and buy more every time you run out. How can you make an effective solution at home? "Normal" saline is about 0.9%...