Since I was pretty desperate, I added a bunch of different things to my saline bottle to aid in my healing. Here are the possible additives for the nasal rinse that I read about and tried (I tried all except the honey) –apple cider vinegar(just a drop or two. Don’t make the mist...
How to Use a Saline Rinse:Using a saline rinse is relatively easy. An appropriate rinse is comprised of 1/2 teaspoon sea salt mixed into 1 cup of warm water. After the salt has dissolved in the water, it can be poured into a nasal spray bottle or neti pot. To complete the rinse,...
Saline nasal douches such as Sterimar also help flush pollen away.(鼻洁灵洁鼻喷雾也可以帮助赶走花粉的困扰。) Its eight saline lagoons provide an ideal habitat for the salt-loving micro organisms on which the flamingos feed.(它的八个盐水湖为“嗜盐”的微生物提供了一个理想的栖息地,而火烈鸟则...